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Day Out 


The Dr H.S Trefry Memorial Centre Adult Day Program (Day Out) welcomes seniors and person with a disability living in the community requiring support. Our Program is designed to meet the needs of clients and their caregivers. Individuals with Alzheimer’s, dementia, frail elderly, socially isolated or physically disabled, attend the program simultaneously offering caregiver respite. Each program consists of elements that address various aspects of individual client needs; physical fitness, mental stimulation, good nutrition, outings, socialization and recreational activity. The program supports independence, autonomy and is goal oriented with a focus on maintaining or improving quality of life.  Components of the Adult Day Program all have therapeutic base. Activities conducted are purposeful and meaningful to clients and are outcome based. Regular assessments are conducted with client goals adjusted accordingly.

The Adult Day Program is unique in that it brings Day Program Services to small rural communities. This innovative approach allows elderly and/or persons with a disability to remain closer to their communities and reaches individuals who might not otherwise have access to programming services. The Adult Day Program partners with our other community support services that we offer like Meals on Wheels, Transportation Services and other social events and activities. Day Out serves the following catchment area:  MacDonald, Meredith, Aberdeen Additional (Echo Bay), Laird Township, Tarbutt Township, Township of St. Joseph, Village of Hilton Beach, Township of Hilton, Jocelyn Township, Johnson Township (Desbarats), All of Plummer Additional Township, Town of Bruce Mines, Town of Thessalon, Huron Shores (as far as Little Rapids).  We currently have programs in Bruce Station, Echo Bay and Richards Landing.


Tuesdays @ Bruce Station Community Hall

109 Station Rd.  Bruce Mines ON 

9:30 am - 3:00 pm


Wednesdays @ Echo Bay Elks Hall

96 Church St. Echo Bay ON

9:30 am - 3:00 pm


Thursdays @ Dr. HS Trefry Memorial  Centre

1601 C Line Rd, Richards Landing ON

9:30 am - 3:00 pm 


Download The Client Handbook for more information

Costs:  Daily charges for the Adult Day Program are based on line 260 (taxable income) of the client’s income tax.   If the client lives with spouse calculation is based off a combined line 260.


Transportation services to and from the program are available and charges are also based off line 260.


Clients/Caregivers will be invoiced by the Trefry Centre at the end of each month. Payment can be made online, or by debit, cash, cheque or etransfer. 




Download the Fee Schedule for payment details.

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